Arkonik x Jöttnar: A gateway to adventure

Arkonik x Jöttnar: A gateway to adventure

The ultimate appeal of an Arkonik Land Rover lies in its built-in kinetic capabilities. Whether you unleash its ability in an urban environment or in the rugged terrain where it was originally tested and proven, our vehicles are built to excel.

It is the latter environment that is truly ingrained in the DNA of all our Defenders — they are the gateway to adventure. Recently, we partnered with the technical outdoor clothing brand Jöttnar in the stunning landscapes of North Cornwall to celebrate these capabilities.

As an ex-commando and former Defender owner, these few days with Arkonik down in Cornwall gave a real sense of returning to roots. The natural synergy between Jöttnar and Arkonik was obvious… raw passion, technicality, and a thirst for excellence in everything we craft. Tommy | Jöttnar co-founder

Commando ridge

Jöttnar is an outdoor apparel brand that, much like our own products, is tested and proven in its natural environment. We were thrilled to support them with our LS-powered 110 Station Wagon at Bosigran, along the rugged coastline near Commando Ridge. As the name suggests, Commando Ridge has been a training ground for commando soldiers since the 1940s, when they prepared for cliff assaults during World War II.

Jöttnar, led by Tommy, one of the co-founders and an ex-Royal Marine officer who served in the specialist Mountain Leader branch and saw active service in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan, chose this inspirational landscape to showcase their latest range of technical apparel, which will be launching very soon.

Jöttnar | Conquer Giants

Founded in 2013, Jöttnar originated in the rugged landscapes of Arctic Norway. The brand is the brainchild of two former Royal Marine commandos, Tommy Kelly and Steve Howarth.

As lifelong mountaineers, climbers, and skiers, Tommy and Steve have infused their passion and expertise into Jöttnar’s core ethos. They actively manage the company, design the gear themselves, and rigorously test each piece with the help of extreme athletes, pushing it to the point of destruction before it reaches the market.

Jöttnar doesn’t chase fabric or retail trends. Instead, they focus on creating gear they genuinely want to wear, ensuring every product stands up to the toughest conditions and highest standards.

Find out more

Big thanks to Carbis Bay Hotel & Estate for hosting us during our stay.