Thomas Parry | Sales & Marketing Director
“Arkonik clients, suppliers and followers, hello! Thank you for your continued fellowship.
My team and I have been busy over the past couple of weeks, keeping you abreast of our collective team’s progress throughout the shifting landscape of today. Having been with Arkonik for over six years now, I know us all to be fast-moving, lateral thinking and determined at heart. It has been a pleasure hunkering down with our executive team and plotting for our exciting future; a future of new innovations, new processes and new opportunity.
Outside of planning our bright future, in the present, we’ve been busy responding to immediate inquiry. We’ve had a wonderfully eclectic mix with some designing their custom bug-out vehicle, whilst others tailor their next daily driver; all looking ahead to their exciting future. Whilst we are not accepting client deposits in normal ways, we have been allowing people to secure a slot in our build program with a nominal holding deposit.
We’ve also been building remote platforms to support and stay connected with our 70 strong A-team. So far, this includes an ongoing press-up challenge, Mr Hayes has shared the secret recipe for his healthy breakfast shake and Defender dogs have been at large. It’s great to see everyone contributing to our team’s community spirit, snippets of which you’ll find in our newsletters.
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side. Thank you all. Stay safe and be happy.”